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The OPII Monitoring Committee approved the Communication Strategy for 2014-2020 on 23 April 2015. Its main objective is to raise public awareness of EU support for projects in the transport and informatisation of society co-financed from OPII. Communication is targeted at the general public, professionals and OPII beneficiaries.

Date Name File type Size Status
01.12.2017 Komunikačná stratégia OPII verzia 1.1 [814 kB] Actual
23.04.2015 Komunikačná stratégia OPII [823 kB] 30.11.2017
23.04.2015 Communication Strategy OPII [603 kB] 30.11.2017

Managing Authority Photo gallery Main areas References
Ministry of Transport and Construction
of the Slovak Republic

Námestie slobody č. 6
P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava

Phone: 02 5949 4111

Photo gallery

The Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure is co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds© 2017 MTC SR
Managing Authority:
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic